Sprains And Strains

How often have you gone for a walk in a local park and suddenly your foot lands on uneven ground? You suddenly feel a jolt of pain. The ankle swells up after a while and weight-bearing is uncomfortable and sometimes painful. There could be bruising or a popping sensation as well. This is nothing but a LIGAMENT SPRAIN. A sprain involves overstretching or tearing of ligaments, which are the fibrous connective tissues that connect bones to each other and stabilize the joints. Sprains occur when the joint is forced into an unnatural position. Commonly sprained joints are ankle, thumb, wrist and knee.
Many a time, you come home after a long flight or lift unusual amount of weight or have been doing an activity repeatedly with unease. You then develop stiffness, spasm, pain and limitation of movement. The symptoms gradually increase in severity. This is nothing but a MUSCLE OR TENDON STRAIN.
A strain is an overstretched, torn, or twisted tendon or muscle. A tendon is a tough cord of fibrous tissue that connects muscles to bones. Commonly strained areas include the legs, knees, feet and back.
Yes, certainly sprains and strains can be treated at home, but only if they are of a mild degree.
Initial treatment includes
- Rest, Ice, Elevation and Compression. Painkillers available over the counter may also help.
- You may experience gradual improvement in a couple of days.
- However, one must remember:
- Sprains and Strains also include tears of ligaments and tendons which need treatment by an expert.
- There could be an accompanying fracture which may be missed unless examined by a specialist.
- There could be a more serious underlying disease process which has caused the condition in the first place.
- So it is extremely important to seek medical help, wherein proper physical examination is done and requisite investigations are advised. Only then can you come to an accurate diagnosis of your ailment and prevent further damage to your joint.